Friday, January 22, 2010

Illinois Gambling Casino Where Can An 18 Year Old Gamble In Illinois?

Where can an 18 year old gamble in Illinois? - illinois gambling casino

I am 18 years old and to celebrate the next month I wanted to go to my first casino. In Illinois, I heard that the age requirement is not 18-times and 21 times was, can someone me a place in Illinois, where I will be able to play?


smile said...

hey my work in the casinos, hasstle and save the money and stay away !!!!!!!!!!!!
You can click on the first win, but everyone loses time.
Do you already have a casino in bankruptcy?
The odds are always in the house (the casino is as stupid PPL) for HUN sorry x

billybob... said...

I live in Illinois, and there is no place in the state where you live legally.I in southern Illinois and Queen's Alton Belle Casino and therefore you must be 21 and his counterparts in the North can bet. What kind of game that you would?

Anonymous said...

everywhere .. Law in the United States is that you will be 21 in order to play .. But at 18 you can play bingo

Really peeved said...

Whoooooo hoooooooo!
UR lucky!
Never mind, I'll bet $ 5 for a very good time
UR at 21?

Love and hugs

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